понедельник, февраля 19, 2007

Asset Packager’s functionality added into rails core

Asset Packager’s functionality added into core - http://dev.rubyonrails.org/changeset/6164

For anyone that’s never used Asset Packager, it basically just combines all your stylesheets into a single file, and all your javascripts into a single file. It speeds things up alot by reducing the number of HTTP requests the browser has to make.

воскресенье, февраля 18, 2007

Browser performance improvement in RubyOnRails

From changelog:

Work around the two connection per host browser limit: use asset%d.myapp.com to distribute asset requests among asset[0123].myapp.com. Use a DNS wildcard or CNAMEs to map these hosts to your asset server. See http://www.die.net/musings/page_load_time/ for background.
Before that change rails allows only one asserts domain.

Added X-Runtime to all responses with the request run time [DHH] (rename from X-Benchmark)
On Firefox you can use WebDeveloper or Firebug extensions to see that header.

Another nice thing (ETag) desribed by Chad Fowler - Edge Rails Goody: Automatic 304 for Views Not Modified