суббота, ноября 11, 2006

Sendmail vs smtp

Когда стоит вопрос каким образом отсылать email, знайте что sendmail гораздо быстрее SMTP.

Sending Mail to user (25.22760)
Sending Mail to internal (31.11207)
Sending Mail notification (20.70688)

Sending Mail to user (0.16841)
Sending Mail to internal (0.28479)
Sending Mail notification (0.24701)


среда, ноября 08, 2006

ActiveRecord added support for nil and Array in :conditions

Nice feature added to rails several days ago

Support nil and Array in :conditions => { attr => value } hashes. #6548 [Assaf, Jeremy Kemper]
find(:all, :conditions => { :topic_id => [1, 2, 3], :last_read => nil }

So for Todo.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => [1,2,3] })
will be generated following query
SELECT * FROM todos WHERE (todos.`id` IN (1,2,3))

And Todo.find(:all, :conditions => { :description => nil }) will use
SELECT * FROM todos WHERE (todos.`description` IS NULL)